Our Features

Upload Code to Greenfield

Greenfield is a novel decentralized storage chain. CodexField supports users to upload their code to Greenfield using its tool gitd. For detailed instructions, please refer to:

🛠️Manage Code Through Gitd

Sell Code on Code Marketplace

CodexField supports users to put their code on the Code Marketplace for sale. Selling the code means that the buyer obtains access rights to the code, but the ownership and Owner permissions still belong to the code owner and will not change. For detailed instructions, please refer to:

💰Sell Code on Code Marketplace

Buy Code on Code Marketplace

Users can purchase code that have been listed on Code Marketplace, and upon successful purchase, they will gain access to the code repository. Afterward, they can download the code using gitd tool. For detailed instructions, please refer to:

💕Buy Code on Code Marketplace

Rate the Code You Bought

CodexField has introduced a rating mechanism where users can rate the code they have purchased, eliminate poor-quality code, and create a reputation-based code trading platform on the blockchain.

Last updated